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Green Technology

Go Green or Face Extinction?

Mary Bellis (2019)

Bear Green technology bring us a hope to counteract the effects of climate change and pollution. The world has a fixed amount of natural resources, some of which have already been depleted or ruined. For example, household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that pollute soil and groundwater with chemicals that cannot be removed from our drinking water supply and wind up in food crops and livestock grown on contaminated soil. So, our health risks are staggering.

The steam engine had been kicked off the industrial revolution, our earth has suffered rapid changes in climate such as increase severe droughts, increase depletion of groundwater reserves, seawater acidification, rising seawater levels, the rapid spread of diseases and the extinction of species.

Plastic pollutants also the non-sustainable resource that's destroying the ocean habitats of sea creatures around the world and it was killing off fish, birds, and countless other species. Larger pieces pose choking and strangulation hazards, while the tiny particles of disintegrating plastic are making their way into the bottom of the food chain. As larger fish feed on contaminated krill, they too become contaminated and if those fish are subsequently harvested for human consumption, the contaminants are going to wind up on your plate and in your stomach